感谢您对BIOFACH CHINA 2023亚洲国际有机产品博览会及NATURAL EXPO CHINA 2023亚洲国际天然产品博览会的关注与支持!
随着国内政策放开,疫情防控进入新阶段,生活秩序正逐步回到疫前常态,春节期间的消费热潮,更是释放出消费市场快速回暖的信号,国内经济也将强势复苏。如此环境下,经审慎研究决定,BIOFACH CHINA 2023亚洲国际有机产品博览会及NATURAL EXPO CHINA 2023亚洲国际天然产品博览会将于2023年9月19日-21日在上海新国际博览中心举办。在一切向好的新环境下,我们将竭力做好展会的筹备与服务工作,通过线上线下多渠道发力,在扩大展会宣传、巩固观众数量的同时,将展会影响力深层次纵向延伸,打造一个高质量高水准的有机与天然贸易盛会。
敬请大家持续关注BIOFACH CHINA亚洲有机展的官方网站(http://www.biofachchina.com/)与微信公众号(biofachchina),及时了解展会的最新进展。
Dear exhibitors, visitors and partners,
Thank you for your attention and support for BIOFACH CHINA 2023 and NATURAL EXPO CHINA 2023!
With the new policy of epidemic prevention, the order in social life is gradually returning to the normal state before the epidemic. The consumption rebound during the Spring Festival has shown the resilience of economy.Under such circumstances, we decide that BIOFACH CHINA 2023 and NATURAL EXPO CHINA 2023 will take place from September 19-21 at Shanghai New International Expo Center.We will do our best to prepare the exhibition and service, and make efforts to expand the exhibition’s influence to a new level.
Long as the journey is, we will surely reach our destination. Having experienced all those hardships in the past three years, we believe that we can achieve any goals we aimed for. Now the dawn is ahead, we look forward to meeting everyone again in September, to enjoy our grand gathering.
Please stay tuned to the official website of BIOFACH CHINA (http://www.biofachchina.com/) and subscribe our Wechat account (biofachchina) for the latest news.
Wish you all the best and keep healthy.
NürnbergMesse China Co., Ltd.
8 February, 2023