感谢您对BIOFACH CHINA 2022亚洲国际有机产品博览会及NATURAL EXPO CHINA 2022亚洲国际天然产品博览会的关注与支持!
鉴于近期全国新冠疫情反复,各地防控形势严峻复杂,基于最新的防控要求,在遵循南京当地的防疫政策、最大程度保障所有参展人员安全为原则的前提下,经审慎研究决定,原定于12月16日-18日在南京国际博览中心2号馆举办的BIOFACH CHINA 2022亚洲国际有机产品博览会及NATURAL EXPO CHINA 2022亚洲国际天然产品博览会将延期同2023年展会合并举办,具体举办日期与地点将另行通知。
因展会延期给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。敬请大家持续关注BIOFACH CHINA亚洲有机展的官方网站(http://www.biofachchina.com/)与微信公众号(biofachchina),及时了解展会的最新进展。
Dear exhibitors, visitors and partners,
Thank you for your attention and support for BIOFACH CHINA 2022 and NATURAL EXPO CHINA 2022!
To ensure the health and safety of all participants and the effect of the exhibition under the current outbreak of COVID-19 across the country and the pandemic situation in Nanjing,we decide that BIOFACH CHINA 2022 and NATURAL EXPO CHINA 2022 to be postponed from its original dates (December 16 - 18) by following the requirements of pandemic prevention and control.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this delay. Please check on the official website of BIOFACH CHINA(http://www.biofachchina.com/) and subscribe our wechat account(biofachchina).
We are rooted in this land, fearless of all tests because this is the land of our dreams. Even if the thorns are still there, it still leads to the top of the mountain, which is worthy of our perseverance. Thank you for your support and trust in our work. And hope we could meet again at the exhibition to enjoy the organic lifestyle.
Wish you all the best and keep healthy.
NürnbergMesse China Co., Ltd.
25 November, 2022